Wednesday, October 3, 2012

toes on cold cement

There are about three places in the world where time truly stands still, where the past and the future cease to exist and all that matters is the present.  One of those is under a tree outside my host family´s house in the mountains of the Dominican Republic, one is on and around the sand dune just outside Chimbote on Avenida Perú, and the other, the place I currently resort to, is on the front porch of my parents' house.

My parents' house faces east, so on a fall morning the crisp air is warmed by the rising sun.  It's a sensation I truly appreciate after living in Chimbote, where sunshine equals burning, and "winter" basically means cloudy.  Fall and winter are much less bearable without sunshine, but here we get the best of both worlds.

Anyway, it is a very grounding place, perfect for drinking morning coffee and imaging God's face smiling at me, as Sr. Dorothy has recommended I do.  As of this week I have begun to feel the anguish of having to choose a future as I realize that grad school apps are due in a mere couple of months.  That means battling questions like, "How will this program help you to achieve your personal and professional goals?"  A difficult question when I don't know what those goals are!  Though thanks to my good professor C-los, I am realizing that the answers are already within me, I just have to listen closely.  Still, it's one thing to be internally aware of them, and another to put them down on paper.

But I will not be intimidated, because as I was reminded yesterday by the first reading, I am not alone!  This verse showed up at the perfect time.  So perfect, that I used it again today to add a drawing inspired by the landscape I see every morning, opening to reveal the right path.  And that's what I will leave you with!  May it be a message for us all, especially those of us in the midst of difficult decisions (which, actually, is probably everybody)!

"Ya estoy enviando a mi Ángel delante de ti para que te proteja en el viaje, hasta indroducirte en el lugar que te he preparado.  Anda derecho en su presencia y hazle caso: no le seas rebelde." -Éxodo 23, 20-21a

The color quality isn't great since I used colored pencils,
but I'm not trying to be a famous artist :)

"See, I am sending an angel before you, to guard you on the way and bring you to the place I have prepared.  Be attentive to him and heed his voice.  Do not rebel against him." -Exodus 23: 20-21a

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