The celebration began last night at midnight as Kelli, Guancarlo and I celebrated the first minutes of my birthday. They sang to me, one in English and one in Spanish, and I blew out a single candle on the delicious pineapple-upside-down cake that Kelli made for us. We shared some Inca Kola while we dug into the cake. My first birthday in Peru!
As I sit here this afternoon listening to Kelli play the guitar and gathering myself together before a full evening, I find myself wanting to share this day not only with my roommates and Peruvian friends, but also with all of you! I’d like to share a short reflection on my birthday that I wrote in my journal yesterday:
“My ambition is not to achieve but to love. Coming on 23 years in this world, many young people from a similar background would be just beginning a career, eyes on opportunities for advancement and promotion, thoughts directed toward completing tasks and projects, emotions swirling around marriage and settling down with a family. And what ambitions am I realizing? I am, or at least I like to think I am, continuing my search for love and truth. But where this search is unlike a typical “ambition” is in the fact that it will never be achieved by looking forward; it can only be achieved by looking around. That is to say, it is only found in the present moment. … The real challenge is to be authentically ME in every moment. By looking at this as a goal to be achieved, I will never be content, and I will never achieve it. In each moment, I must ask, who am I? And then I must lovingly answer with a smile on my face, this is me!”
I would also like to share with you all some of the quote that Kelli wrote inside her gift for me, a Spanish Bible. It was written by aIta Ford, aMaryknoll Sister who was martyred in El Salvador during the Civil War, to her niece on her niece’s birthday in 1980:
“…What I’m saying is, I hope you come to find that which gives life a deep meaning for you … something worth living for, maybe something worth dying for … something that energizes you, enthuses you, enables you to keep moving ahead. I can’t tell you what it might be – that’s for you to find, to choose, to love. I can just encourage you to start looking, and support you in the search…”
What a treat for us to see your pictures and hear about your birthday! Thanks for sharing this with us!! Love you lots, Mom